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The Dust Of Karbala Is A Cure For Every Disease

The mud/dust found in the city of Karbala has some extraordinary value, in that it is a cure for every illness and a source of Barakah (blessing) and Divine mercy. As Shi'ee, we believe that the most perfect method of prostration is to place ones head upon the earth or anything natural created by Allah (swt) (excluding that which can be worn or eaten) as opposed to something like man-made carpets. According to the school of the Ahlulbayt (a.s) it is not compulsory to do prostration on the soil of Karbala however it is highly recommended. We shall now demonstrate some examples wherein the Turbah was used as a source of prostration and healing. Ibn Taymiyyah: He was asked about unfolding the prayer carpet in the Prophetic Rawdah. It is not allowed for anyone to spread his prayer carpet or anything related to him during his absence. This is a violation of the regulations of this area and prohibition for Muslims to apply the orders of Allah the Highest a

Prophet (saw) Wailing For Imam Hussain (a.s) And The Significance Of The Soil From Karbala

Al-Busayri: Narrated Umm Salamah, who said: 'The Prophet (saw) was asleep one night in his house. Hussain (a.s) approached towards the Messenger of Allah (saw), so I stood by the door and held him in fear that he would wake Allah (swt) Apostle. I got distracted by something, he ran in and sat on the Prophet (saw) stomach.  I (narrator) heard the Prophet of Allah (swt) wailing.'  I said to him, 'I did not notice when he came in.' He (saw) said, 'Angel Jibreel came to me while he (Hussain) was sitting on my stomach and asked, 'Do you love him?' I said, 'Yes.' He said, 'Your Ummah (nation) will kill him.' Whose nation I (saw) asked? Angel replied, 'The nation of Islam.' Then he continued,  'Do you want me to show you the earth on which he will get martyred?' The angel flapped his wings and brought me this earth. I (Umm Salamah) witnessed in his hand was some red earth, and he was crying.  Then Allah (swt) Apostle

Prophet (saw) Grieves And Informs Others Concerning The Death Of Imam Hussain (a.s)

Ibn Kathir: Imam Ahmad said, 'Abdul Rahman and Iffan narrated to us from Hammad ibn Salamah from Ammar ibn Abi Ammar from  Ibn Abbas: 'I saw the Prophet (saw) in a dream, in the middle of the day and he was disheveled and covered with dust.' He was holding a container full of blood!'  I said, 'May my parents be sacrificed for you O Apostle of Allah (swt)! What is this?!'  He saw (saw) replied, 'This is the blood of Hussain (a.s) and his companions. I am still collecting the blood since the start of that day.'  Ammar (narrator) said: 'We memorised that day (of the dream) and we found that indeed Hussain died on the day of Ashura (i.e. 10th of Muharram).' Ibn Kathir:   It's chain is strong. Footnote:   It's chain is (rather) Saheeh (Authentic). A similiar narration exists with a different chain on the authority of Ibn Abbas who said: I woke up from this dream and said: 'By Allah (swt), Hussain has been killed! By Allah

Salafi Mufti says bayat of Yazeed was islamic!!!

In this video, you will see that Salafi Mufti said that Yazeed was caliph on truth and Imam Hussain(AS) naudobillah erred by coming up against him. Modarrsi replies to him video is having english subtitles This is a speech being delivered by Ayatollah Modarresi at the shrine of Imam Hussein in response to the slanderous comment made by the top Wahhabi cleric in Saudi Arabia.. Keep watching to see the fury of the audience.. One would think that after almost 14 centuries, the mission of Imam Hussein and the pristine nature of his message is transparently clear. On the same token, one would also think that the demonic nature of Yazeed and his cohorts is also as abundantly obvious. For how could anyone exploit people's ignorance of the hard historical facts and justify the barbaric murder of Imam Hussein? How can anyone conceivably explain the vicious slaughtering of the 6 month old infant and the starving of women and children to death? And after all the atrocities

Is Crying for Dead causes Punishment to the Dead ??

We would have heard this 100′s of times and people are fed up with this idea that Holy prophet asws had said this : "Crying for Dead causes Punishment to the Dead"   And so if someone cries for dead, the dead is punished;and this propaganda increases in moharram so let us see what ayesha had to offer in this regard we find in Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal : Abu bakar says that when rafi’I bin khadeej died, we heard ibn umar that dead is punished when his neighbors cry for him. I came to umra and told him so he replied that Ayesha said that holy prophet asws said this about a jew lady that these people are crying and she is being punished; then Ayesha recited the verse that none will bear the weight of others [Musnad ahmad, urdu, vol 11, page 31, narration 24616] Sheikh hamza says isnaad is sahih [Musnad ahmad, takhreej of ahmad shakir and hamza ahmad, vol 17, page -234] We further find Ibn umar said that Holy Prophet asws s

Yazeed: a killer of sahaba and a thief:- Ahmad bin Hanbal (sahih sanad)

W e find in al-sunnah by al khalal that he mentioned with a sahih chain from Ahmad bin Hanbal  who said أخبرني محمد بن علي قال ثنا مهنى قال سألت أحمد عن يزيد بن معاوية بن أبي سفيان قال هو فعل بالمدينة ما فعل قلت وما فعل قال  قتل بالمدينة من أصحاب النبي وفعل قلت وما فعل قال نهبها قلت فيذكر عنه الحديث قال لا يذكر عنه الحديث ولا ينبغي لأحد أن يكتب عنه حديثا قلت لأحمد ومن كان معه بالمدينة حين فعل ما فعل قال أهل الشام قلت له وأهل مصر قال لا إنما كان أهل مصر معهم في أمر عثمان رحمه الله narrator asked ahmed bin hanbal about yazeed ibn mawia and he replied : he did to madina what he did , so i asked : and what did he do ?  he  said : he killed in madina from companions of rasool Allah and did other things , so i asked him : what did he do ; so he said :  robbed it , so i said : can hadith be narrated from him so he answered : hadith must not be narrated from him and nobody should write his hadith . so i asked ahmed : and who was with him when he did in madina what he did ? he

Yazid Vs Zakir Naik [Lies of First Navel War/Caesar's City]

Zak ir Naik ( A well wisher of Yazeed (la)) Do you remember Zakir Naik & his claiming “Radhi Allaho Anho” for Yazid? Do you know the Only Argument of Zakir Naik that he used to justify it? The Only Argument of Zakir Naik & All other Nasibies is only & only one Tradition of Bukhari. Let us begin with Allah's name & let us expose the Lies of Nasibies regarding this tradition and after that no one would dare to say “Radhi Allho Anho” to Yazid. Insha-Allah. The Fabricated Tradition by Nasibies of Syria Nasibies of Syria were followers of Bani Umiyyah. Thus they fabricated a tradition through which they made first 2 Caliphs of Bani Umiyyah free of all there so many crimes against Islam & Ahlebait (as), and provided them with salvation to Jannah. Here is the tradition. حَدَّثَنِي إِسْحَاقُ بْنُ يَزِيدَ الدِّمَشْقِيُّ حَدَّثَنَا يَحْيَى بْنُ حَمْزَةَ قَالَ حَدَّثَنِي ثَوْرُ بْنُ يَزِيدَ عَنْ خَالِدِ بْنِ مَعْدَانَ أَنَّ عُمَيْرَ بْنَ الْ

Yazid (la) Cursed By Sunni/Salafi Scholars

Here The Idol Of Salafis Cursed By Many Salafi/Sunni Scholars:- .. Shawkani Who Said in Nail Al-Awtar Volume 7 page 362: لا ينبغي لمسلم أن يحط على من خرج من السلف الصالح من العترة وغيرهم على أئمة الجور، فإنهم فعلوا ذلك باجتهاد منهم، وهم أتقى لله وأطوع لسنة رسول الله من جماعة ممن جاء بعدهم من أهل العلم، ولقد أفرط بعض أهل العلم كالكرامية ومن وافقهم في الجمود على أحاديث الباب حتى حكموا بأن الحسين السبط رضي الله عنه وأرضاه باغ على الخمير السكير الهاتك لحرم الشريعة المطهرة يزيد بن معاوية لعنهم الله، فيالله العجب من مقالات تقشعر منها الجلود ويتصدع من سماعها كل جلمود No muslim must blame whoever came out with the sword from salaf and itrah and others against the imams of oppression because they did this based on their ijtihad and they are more fearfull of allah and more obedient to sannah of rasool allah compared to people who came after them and many people of knowlegde have exaggerated like karamyyah and those agreeing with them in bigotry who judged that huss

Salafis and Their Love for Yazid: Issues Arising

It is no news that Salafis love and revere Yazid ibn Mu'awiyah (la), the murderer of the Prophet's (as) family. Although they normally deny that they love him. But the fact that Dr. Zakir Naik, a world- famous Salafi, send blessings upon Yazid (la) speaks volumes. You cannot logically invoke Allah's blessings upon someone you hate! In fact, Zakir and all other Salafis consider him a Jannati, on account of a hadith fabricated by Imam al-Bukhari. We have dealt with that hadith here . In this article, we are only going to copy-paste some posts by some good Sunnis about Yazid. Thank Allah, not every Sunni loves that illegitimate child. After reading all the posts, we invite our open-minded readers to balance Salafi attitude to Yazid against the reality. Are they really supposed to send Allah's blessings upon him (la)? Is he really a Jannati? The post is by a Sunni brother, and was copied from here : states in the famous book on Jirah wa Tadil by

WAHABISM EXPOSED! I Sayed Kamal al-Haydari- Arabic ( English Subtitles )

پہلا شخص جو میری سنت کو تبدیل کرے گا وہ بنی امیہ سے ہوگا

شیخ ناصر الدین البانی نے اپنے سلسلة الأحاديث الصحيحة میں رسول اللہ [ص] کی غیب کی پیشنگوئیوں کے حوالہ سے عنوان قائم کیا ھے جسکے ذیل میں ابن ابی عاصم کے طریق سے ایک روایت کی تخریج کری ھے رسول خدا [ص] نے فرمایا کہ پہلا شخص جو میری سنت کو تبدیل کرے گا وہ بنی امیہ سے ہوگا۔ شیخ البانی نے اس حدیث کی سند کو صحیح کہا ھے جبکہ حدیث کے متن کے حوالہ سے شیخ البانی لکھتے ہیں کہ شاید اس حدیث میں تبدیلی سے خلیفہ کے انتخاب کے طریقہ کار کی تبدیلی اور خلافت کو میراث بنالینا مراد ہو ۔ سلسلة الأحاديث الصحيحة//جلد4//صفحہ329//طبعہ مکتبہ معارف ریاض۔ ہماری نظر میں شیخ البانی کی یہ تاویل فاسد ھے جسکی رکاکت ظاہر ھے کیونکہ سنت رسول [ص] کے اسوہ حسنہ سے تعبیر ھے جسکا خلیفہ کے انتخاب کے طریقہ کار سے دور کا بھی کوئی تعلق نہی ھے۔

Yazeed the accursed one - E- book in Arabic

The lovely 'S haikhs' of nasibi/wahabis Uthman al-Khamis who claimed that they love Ahlu-bait (a.s) wrote Amirilmuminin before the name of Yazid. They have opened a whole chapter in defence of Yazid b. Muawiyah (la) in his false book "Hiqbah min at-Tarikh". And chapter is named: خلافة أمير المؤمنين يزيد بن معاوية "The succession of Amirilmuminin Yazid" And i'd like to inform you that there are many books which refutes the false attacks of al-Khamis and one of this books is Reply to the book Hiqba min at-Tarikh - Radd al-nafis ala abaṭil ‘Uthman al-Khamis  Dear Arabic Readers Please feel free to read and download the following book :    Yazeed The second volume of the same book : Yazeed-the accursed one

Muawiya's Enmity towards Ali (A.S)- Video

Karbala in Sunni Hadiths Part 5-Video

Karbala in Sunni Hadiths Part 4-Video

Karbala in Sunni Hadiths Part 2-Video

Karbala in Sunni Hadiths Part 1-Video

Karbala in Sunni Hadiths Part 3- Video

Yazeed & Surat-ul-kauthar

W e find in surat ul kauthar إِنَّ شَانِئَكَ هُوَ الْأَبْتَرُ Surely your enemy is the one who shall be without posterity, keep this thing in mind; and read what the greatest Muawiya lover ibn kath i r wrote فمنهم معاوية بن يزيد بن معاوية يكنى أبا ليلى، وهو الذي يقول فيه الشاعر‏:‏ إني أرى فتنة قد حان أولها * والملك بعد أبي ليلى لمن غلبا وخالد بن يزيد يكنى أبا هاشم كان يقال‏:‏ إنه أصاب علم الكيمياء، وأبو سفيان، وأمهما أم هاشم بنت أبي هاشم بن عتبة بن ربيعة بن عبد شمس‏.‏ وقد تزوجها بعد يزيد بن مروان بن الحكم وهي التي يقول فيها الشاعر‏:‏ أنعمي أم خالدٍ * ربَّ ساعٍ كقاعد وعبد العزيز بن يزيد ويقال له‏:‏ الأسوار، وكان من أرمى العرب، وأمه أم كلثوم بنت عبد الله بن عامر وهو الذي يقول فيه الشاعر‏:‏ زعم الَّناس أنَّ خير قريشٍ * كلهم حين يذكرون الأساور ‏(‏ج/ص‏:‏ 8/60‏)‏ وعبد الله الأصغر، وأبو بكر، وعتبة، وعبد الرحمن، والربيع، ومحمد، لأمهات أولاد شتىَّ‏.‏ ويزيد، وحرب، وعمر، وعثمان‏.‏ فهؤلاء خمسة عشر ذكراً، وكان له من البنات‏:‏ عاتكة، ورملة، وأم عبد الرحمن، وأم يزيد، وأم