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WHY did Imam Hussain(as) take his Family to Karbala ? | Sayed Ammar Nakshawani

Did Shia Kill Imam Hussain(as)? | Sayed Ammar Nakshawani


Why do Shias beat their Chest for Imam Hussain ? Sayed Ammar Nakshawani

Did Yazid kill Imam Hussain (as)?

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In Zad al-Ma’ad, ‘Allamah al-Majlisi says that it is preferable not to observe fasting on the ninth and tenth of Muharram because the Umayyads used to observe fasting on these two days in order to express delight for and to gloat over the martyrdom of Imam al-Husayn (a.s.). Having seen a good omen in the killing of Imam al-Husayn (a.s.), the Umayyads and their fans fabricated many lies against the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and falsely ascribed to him that he mentioned many merits to be the reward of those who would observe fasting on these two days. On the other hand, the Holy Imams of the Ahl al-Bayt (a.s.) are reported to have warned against observing fasting on these two days in general and on the tenth of Muhammad, the Day of ‘Ashura’, in particular. The Umayyads - may Allah curse them - used to store up their annual nutriment in their houses on the tenth of Muharram; accordingly, Imam al-Rida(a.s.) is reported to have said, “If one refrains from arranging for any worldly benefit

Hazrat Jafar al-Tayyar’s (a.s.) martyrdom and mourning over Imam Husain (a.s.)

Critics of mourning (azadari) level the following charges in support of their claims: Weeping over dead is bidah (innovation) and there is no evidence of mourning from the Prophet’s (صلّى اللّه عليه و آله‏ و سلّم) Weeping is the cause of punishment for the person inside the grave. Food distributed to the mourners is innovation and has no place in Islam. In the least it is a waste of resources. Reply There is a reply to all the objections in a single event – the martyrdom of Hazrat Jafar al-Tayyar  ( عليه السلام ) – cousin of the Prophet  (صلّى اللّه عليه و آله‏ و سلّم) . Hazrat Jafar Ibn Abi Talib  ( عليه السلام )  was the Holy Prophet’s  (صلّى اللّه عليه و آله‏ و سلّم)  first cousin. He was among the standard bearers of the Muta battle, where he eventually embraced martyred. As soon as the Holy Prophet  (صلّى اللّه عليه و آله‏ و سلّم)   was informed of his martyrdom, he rushed to meet his sons. When the Holy Prophet  (صلّى اللّه عليه و آله‏ و سلّم)  entered Jafa

The Truth About Imam Husain’s Revolution

Different phenomena vary as to their realities. Similarly, every uprising or revolt is unique as to the truth/s underlying its eruption [and eventual success or otherwise]. In order to understand a particular matter, or a state of affairs, you should know the deeper reasons underling its existing form and the characteristics that gave it that specific appearance. You should also be conscious of the material causes of that matter, or issue, i.e. its constituents or ingredients. In other words: The forces/causes that produced the revolt or uprising, which signify its truth are called “the causes at work”. The nature of the revolt and its goals represent “its intents and purposes”. The actual action plan, implementing it, and all what goes with it represent “its material causes”. The end result that the revolt has come to produce represents its “overall picture”. [Applying these parameters], was Imam Hussain’s uprising a result of an angry outburst? Islam is different from some ot

Imam Hussain (A.S) Revolution's Results

What had Imam Husayn's revolution meant in history? Some people who are not familiar with its motives, innocently inquire about its results. Others have even questioned the wisdom of striking at a mighty force like the Umayyads, which was fatal. Although the revolution's motives have already been discussed, a brief review of the changes in the Muslim World after Imam Husayn's revolution is appropriate; 1. Murdering Imam Husayn (as) the grandson of the Prophet (S) was a great shock to the whole Muslim world. This is not to mention the way he was murdered or the treatment given to his family who had the highest esteem and respect of all Muslims. Consequently, all Muslims dissociated themselves from the Umayyad's deeds and policies. Indeed, who wants to share in the certain curse upon those who murdered the family of the Prophet? Thus, this revolution had done the task of unveiling the Umayyad's un-Islamic character to the general public and left

Imam Hussain's Revolution: Reasons and Motives

All those who are familiar with the Imam's life do certainly realize that his role in serving Islam had started very early in his life. He has contributed to the rising Islamic movement when he was a boy, and played a significant role, when his father was the Commander of the faithful, taking part in all three wars that his father fought along with the rest of the faithful companions and followers. When his brother Hassan (A.S.) became Imam, he obeyed and followed him in all what he said or did. Then his role entered a new stage with the passing away of his brother. And since the role of any Imam of Ahl ul-Bait is defined in accordance with the nature of the social and political conditions of his age, the Imam drew a new course in determining the direction of the Islamic movement. Winds of Revolution: When Muawiah died in the middle of Rajab of year 60(Hijra), and his son Yazied took power, and ordered his walis to ask for the people's pledge of loyalty an

Harrah – Another proof of Yazid’s transgression

A group of Muslims seek to exonerate Yazid b. Muawiyah of all his crimes. As a matter of fact, these Muslims do not even acknowledge the crimes and for the most evident crime of killing the son of Allah’s Prophet — Imam Husain b. Ali (a.s.), they are quick to gloss over it with the most weird claims including the ridiculous one of Shias themselves having killed Imam Husain (a.s.)! To such Muslims, it is fitting to point out that not every crime perpetrated by Yazid is easy to sweep under the carpet. Although no crime can parallel the killing of Imam Husain (a.s.), Yazid is responsible for many crimes that are evident even to the most biased historian and no one doubts even for a moment that Yazid is the perpetrator of these crimes. If the most biased historian was to ignore Imam Husain’s (a.s.) killing under one pretext or another, there is no way for him to ignore Yazid’s other crimes. The incident of Harrah is one such crime and all Muslims regardless of th

Yazid b. Muawiyah – A Branch of the Cursed Tree

And We did not make the vision which We showed you but a trial for men and the cursed tree in Quran as well? (Surah Bani Israel (17): 60) Tabari, explaining the revelation of this verse, has documented a dream that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) had wherein the children of Hakam b. Abi Aas (from the family of Umayya) were jumping up and down upon his pulpit like monkeys. This dream upset the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) so much that he never laughed again. Tafsir-e-Tabari, vol 15, pg 177; Al-Durr al-Mansur, vol 4, pg 191 Aaesha told Marwaan b. Hakam that Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) told her: The ‘cursed tree€™ in the Quran implies you (i.e. Marwan b. Hakam and his family). Al-Durr al-Mansur, vol 4, pg 191 It is a different story altogether that Aaesha still chose to align herself with Marwaan b. Hakam, fully aware of his antecedents, in the battle of Jamal. Marwaan b. Hakam is the father of ‘Bani Marwan’ (the progeny of Marwan). His acronym (Kuniyyat) was Abu Ab

What Happen to Hussain (AS) on the Day of Ashura ?

Tragedy of Karbala

Is it wrong to commemorate his martyrdom every year?

Courtesy : I find it very unfortunate to discuss this question. Disturbingly, there are people who accuse the Shia'a of bida'a (innovation) because, every year, they intensely and passionately commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, his family and companions at Karbala'. Every year and for 10 days, the followers of Ahlul Bayt commemorate and mourn over the tragedy of Karbala'. Is is really wrong, in principle, to commemorate Imam Hussein's martyrdom? What are these troubled and hateful people afraid of? Why do they not commemorate Imam Hussein as well? Is it really against the Sunnah to do so? Let me put it in a simpler way: is it wrong to commemorate the loss of a loved one? Is it not humane to do so? Did the prophet prohibit us to do so?? For the record, the true Ahlul Sunnah do not oppose this commemoration. The people who oppose this practice can not claim to be from Ahlul Sunnah. They are quite differ

Why Imam Hussein (a.s.) Is not being forgotten?

The importance of the history of life of Imam Hussein (also Husayn) (a.s.) which has been converted to one of most sensational epics of human history is not only because of arousing most powerful waves of sensations of millions of people around itself every year and creates a ceremony which is more sensational than other ceremonies, but its importance is mostly because that: It has no “motive” other than pure religious and humanly and popular sensations and feelings and this magnificent ceremony that observes in respect and commemoration of this historical incident has no need to preliminaries and advertisements and it is unexampled in its kind in this aspect. Most of us know this truth, but the point which has not been truly cleared for lot of people (especially non-Muslim thinkers) yet and still is remained like a puzzle in their minds is that: Why is this historical incident which has several similar examples in “quantity and quality” emphasized so much? Why do

Mourning ( Azadari ) is not a Bid'at ( Innovation ) - PROVED!!

First Objection:  Martyrdom should be celebrated not mourned!!! REPLY:- Rasulullah(saww) mourned those that were martyred!!                Many companions were martyred in the battles that took place during the time of the Holy Prophet (s) and of course all of them succeeded in their respective examinations. Hamza was named as the Lord of the Martyrs, and hence received a larger but rather than express joy at what his uncle had attained he cried and lamented over him and asked that the women of Quraysh to likewise. 1) Seerat un Nabi, volume 1, page 345. 2) Ma'arij al Nabuwat, Rukn 4, chapter (Bab) 6, page 123 Similarly we have already cited the incident where Holy Prophet (s) wept over the martyrdom of Jaffar Ibn Abi Talib (as). If mourning for a martyr is incorrect than what do Nawasib think about Holy Prophet (s)? The fact of the matter is that Prophet (s) himself gave best reply of the pathetic Nasibi belief for celeberating the martyrdom rather to mourn it.

In Repudiation of The Criticisms on Azadari of Imam Husain (a.s.)

ઇમામે મઝલુમની અઝાદારીના વિરોધોના જવાબો Mumbai’s largest circulated daily newspaper, The Times of India had published an article on February 6, 2006 by an extremist, Abu Bakr, captioned ‘Why should Muharram be considered sacred?’ The article and its claims were effectively debunked in the same newspaper. Following is the gist of the article. Mr. Abu Bakr: Unfortunately your inability to follow the teachings of Islam is reflected in your writings. Let us examine what you have written and what the reality actually is. You wrote: The tenth day of Muharram is ‘Aashura’. The Jews of Madina fasted on this day, the day on which Prophet Moses (a.s.) and his followers crossed the Red Sea miraculously. So the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) directed the Muslims to fast on the day of Aashura. The Answer: The hadith you have quoted is in actuality thus: The Prophet (s.a.w.a) on migrating to Madina found the Jews fasting on the 10th of Muharram. On enquiry, he was tol

Crying and Blood shed for Imam Husain (as) from Qur'an

فَمَا بَكَتْ عَلَيْهِمُ السَّمَاءُ وَالْأَرْضُ وَمَا كَانُوا مُنْظَرِينَ "And neither heaven nor earth shed a tear over them: nor were they given a respite (again)" Holy Quran Sura Dhukhan, Verse:29  (44:29) ---Tafseer of the above verse in narrations from the Imam's (as)--- Ibrahim Al Nakhai narrates: عن إبراهيم النَّخعيِّ قال : خرج أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام فجلس في المسجد واجتمع أصحابه حوله وجاءَ الحسين عليه السلام حتّى قام بين يديه فوضع يده على رأسه فقال : يا بني إنَّ الله عَيَّرَ أقواماً بالقُرآن ، فقال : فما بَكَتْ عَلَيْهِمْ السَّماءُ وَالأرضُ وَما كانُوا مُنظَرينَ ، وأيْمُ اللهِ ليَقتلنّك بَعدي ، ثمّ تبكيك السَّماءُ والأرض The Commander of the Believers (as) came out and sat in the mosque and his companions gathered around him. Then Imam Husain (as) came and stood in front of him. The Commander of the Believers (as) placed his hand over the head of Husain (as) and said: O My Son! Allah has degraded some people in the Quran b